Standard Starfleet Academy Application Form (SSAAF)    

This is the first step in becoming an active member of the Phoenix Defense Force. By filling out this form, you are making a statement that you are willing to uphold the Federation's principals. 

Once you have filled out the application and sent it to Starfleet via subspace, you should receive a further communiction within a day or two. This will be the beginning of your training course. The training won't last long and it helps us get to know each other, and your abilities as a starfleet officer. Your position within the Phoenix Defense Force will be dependent on how well you do.  

This first section is all about yourself. This information will be held in strict confidence and will be kept separate from any other information you submit to us. It is purely for administration purposes. 

First Name *

Surname *




Previous Role Play Experience (if any): 

Email Address: *

 * Required Information (Form will not submit if ommitted)


This section is all about the character you wish to play within the simulation. Don't worry too much about accuracy at this point, a rough idea will do. You may update, change or modify your character once you have passed through the academy. 





Primary Skill: 

Secondary Skill: 

Preffered Ship (if known):

Preffered position (if known):

Further info about your character: 

And that's it. All you need to do now is press the "Open Subspace Channel" button below and your message will be transmitted to Starfleet Command for evaluation. Please only press the button once. If you have made a mistake and wish to start over, press the "Clear PADD" button.

This game is about StarTrek, which usually is shown on TV under a PG certificate. Therefore we ask that players under the age of 13 should ask permission from their parents or legal guardians before joining.

Note that by submitting an application you are stating that you have read the rules and agree to abide by them to the best of your ability.