Rules and Regulations within the Phoenix Defense Force.
We do not have many rules to adhear to, but the ones we do have MUST be strictly followed in order for the game to run smoothly. Failure to obey the rules will result in a warning, and further disgressions could mean loss of rank, and in extreme cases exclusion from the game altogether. 

The rules are split into two sections. "Simulation Rules" and "Gaming Rules". 

"Simulation Rules" refer to anything that is *outside* the gaming arena. For example, deciding on future missions and chain of command. 

"Gaming Rules" refer to anything *inside* the gaming arena, such as the use of characters and bad language.


Simulation Rules

  1. All mission ideas must first be approved by the command crew of your ship.
  2. All major plots and sub-plots must likewise be first approved by your command crew. (The command crew reserve the right to cancel any mission, plot ot sub-plot without prior notice)
  3. Anything that affects something in the fleet, but not neccessarily your ship (such as destroying the Academy for example) must first be approved by the PDF Council. (*See PDF Info).
  4. Players will respect the chain of command. The command crew of each ship are there for a reason, usually because of their greater experience.

Gaming Rules

  1. No player may kill, maim or injure another player's character without permission from the player in question or the command crew.
  2. No player may kill, maim or injure an NPC belonging to another player without permission from the player in question or the command crew.
  3. Players will refrain from using bad language and swear words. Minor swear words may be used as long as it is in keeping with the character and situation.
  4. Players will refrain from describing extreme violent scenes or explicit sex scenes. Remember that StarTrek usually carries a PG certificate.
  5. Players owning characters at or above the rank of Full Lieutenant are required to post at least once a week.
  6. Players owning characters below the rank of Full Lieutenant (including civilians) are required to post at least once every two weeks.
  7. Players should make every effort to make use of correct grammar and spelling. Players should write generously. (At least 10 lines of text per post).

Please feel free to contact the commanding officer with all questions and queries about the academy. If you wish to join the Phoenix Defense Force please fill out an application form (also accessable from the academy menu).