Captain Mark D. Hayward  
Phonenix Defense Force Academy Commandant


Name: Mark David Hayward
Race: Human
Current Rank: Captain
Department: Commandant / Medical Officer

Service History

2347 - Academy Training - USS Saratoga - Cadet 2nd Class
2348 - Graduated Starfleet Academy

Majors in Medical Sciences, Tactical Maneavours and Diplomacy
Minors in Engineering and Flight Dynamics

2348 - Posted to USS Melbourne - Ensign - General Duties
2350 - Transfer to USS Excelsior - Ensign - Auxilliary Medic
2353 - Promotion to Lieutenant (JG) - Assigned to Conn.
2356 - Transfer to USS Edinburgh - Conn Officer
2359 - Promotion to Lieutenant - Medical Assistant
2363 - Promotion to Lt. Cmdr. - Reassigned as CMO
2365 - Promotion to Commander and Transfer to USS Galaxy - Executive Officer
2369 - Promotion to Captain - Commanding Officer
2373 - Transfer to USS Nimitz (Engineering Section) - Commanding Officer
2375 - Promotion to Fleet Captain and Transfer to USS Endeavour - Commanding Officer
2377 - Demoted to Captain
2378 - Assigned to the PDF Academy as Commandant

Personal Information

Born: 2330 - June 21st (old calender)
Home World: Earth
Province: Johannasburg, South Africa

Mark Hayward has one brother, Jamie, who is two years younger and serves aboard the USS Cape-Town as executive officer. He also has one sister, Claire, who is five years younger and serves as a PA to Admiral Davis at Starfleet Command. His mother and father both passed away in 2363 during a freak accident whilst transporting from Lunar 20 to a transport vessel. The vessel suddenly lost power, and their transporter patterns were lost. Apart from nieces and nephews, he has no other family.

Hobbies and Interests

Captain Hayward enjoys most sporting activites, especially racketball. He often stages racketball competitions for fellow officers whilst on shoreleave. For relaxation whilst aboard ship, he often can be found immersed in a holo-novel.

He also enjoys working in Sickbay. Ever since his posting as CMO on the USS Endinburgh, he has maintained his love for the medical sciences. He can often be found in sickbay treating minor ailments during his off-duty time. (If the CMO allows). He actually holds an official dual-role within StarFleet, as both a commanding officer and a medic. He is the highest ranking officer in Starfleet who also maintains a ranking command position

Hayward is also an avid golfer. He has a single-figure handicap and usually prefers to play on real courses on Earth. However due to long spells in deep space, he has learned to appreciate holo-courses as well.

Good diplomat, and an expert in first contact situations
Able to motivate other crewmembers
Competant Doctor

Security Notations
Full Security Clearance

Star Fleet Awards
Starfleet Short Tour Of Duty Ribbon
The "Order Of Sarek" Long Tour Of Duty Ribbon
Starfleet's Bronze Cross
Starfleet's Silver Star x2

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